Fell Dyke Primary School

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Y5/6 perform High School Musical

Year 5/6 treated our school community to some tremendous performances of High School Musical this week, the result of weeks (and in a few cases, months...) of preparation.

From preparing for auditions, learning lines, practicing songs, dance routines and more the children have been incredibly dedicated, determined to put on a good show for everyone.

Even a fire alarm in the middle of the first performance could not stop Year 5/6 in their tracks: as soon as they returned to the hall, they picked up exactly where they left off.

Such professionalism

A number of children had roles that required them to sing solo or duo parts and it's fair to say that their performances were exceptional in front of some very large audiences. However, it was still a team effort and all of the children (with the support of our talented technical and director teams) played their part in supporting one another to make this year's shows a huge success.

Well done everyone!

Year 5/6 - July 24 - High School Musical