Fell Dyke Primary School

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Year 1/2 are rainforest explorers...

Y1/2 enjoyed a visit to Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens as part of our learning in geography about rainforests. It was the closest we could get to exploring a real rainforest!

In the Winter Gardens we could see plants and trees that would be growing in the hot and wet environments of the rainforest and by climbing the platform, we could view the different layers. We also participated in a workshop where we had the chance to handle nuts from trees that would grow in the rainforest. We practised recalling the different layers of the rainforest and found out about the different wildlife that would be found in each layer. Everyone particularly enjoyed the trail around the 'rainforest' to help Lola the Lemur!

Year 1/2 - July 24 - Rainforest Explorers